Top 5 PHP Frameworks For Developers
In this post I am going to introduce Top 5 PHP framework for developers, I have compiled these frameworks as per popularity bases among developers, And the list of these framework as per my opinion, Your opinion may be differ, If you think any other php framework...
How to detect mobile device in php and transfer visitor to mobile version of your website
This is quick tutorial about How to detect mobile device in php and transfer visitor to mobile version of your website, If you don’t have a mobile responsive website and you created separate mobile version of website and you are looking solution in php, If user open...
How to Increase PHP Script Execution Time
Default maximum PHP Script Execution Time is 30 seconds, But if you need to process big file then you may have seen your script got crashed, and It throws script execution timeout error. So if your project required to process huge file like exporting big CSV file from...